Thursday, 4 September 2014

A little of something different!

So, many of you that have been keeping up to date with the Clearing Diary have read about how much fun we’ve all had as part of the Clearing 2014 team. Everyone I have spoken to in the Clearing hall has agreed that clearing has been quite the experience for us, but it is nearly time to step back into our former roles, as lectures are starting soon!

Our Clearing team this year has been made up of a mix of full time staff, graduates and current students – meaning we can draw on our own experience in order to assist applicants and enquirers. From questions about accommodation, to highlighting the perks of being on our main campuses or studying at our partner colleges. It means we can understand the stresses of waiting for an offer to change on UCAS, because we’ve been there.

It also means that a number of us know the ropes for when you arrive! A lot of the current and returning students will have experienced lots of the Freshers’ events, including the Freshers’ ball and the famous Ikea trip – a must, if I say so myself. Many people will also have experience in sports teams, clubs and societies, which I’ve found to be a great way to meet people in your first couple of weeks.

The Student Life Blogs are also a great way to get to grips with what it may be like to be a student here. There is a wealth of information available on these; the regular bloggers (including me) do love talking about what we do, both as part of our programmes and outside. We also have our social media pages, both from the university and various societies. These can include subject-based societies, such as the psychology society, so there really is something for everyone!

So if you are holding an offer of a place with us, congratulations. There is plenty for you to see and do in your first few weeks here, and we look forward to seeing you soon J

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